It has been a long break since we posted or heard anything about Apple Watch. However, its time and it has been made clear by Apple that its first ever wearable, Apple Watch will be released in April. Earlier, at TechUntold we already mentioned that Apple Watch will be made available sometime in early 2015. That release date has been made more precise as Apple Watch will be released in April. Earlier, Apple had announced Apple Watch on September 9th along with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in their event.
Apple Watch Release Date
Apple’s CEO Tim Cook unveiled on Tuesday that Apple Watch pre release process is going as planned and making it clear that Apple Watch release date will be sometime in April.
Tim Cook promised in 2014 that Apple would launch “amazing” new products in future which will give users even more when compared with their iPhone, iPad and MacBook. Apple is proving its CEO word true by launching its first ever wearable and already released Apple Pay.
Apple Watch Features
We already mentioned about the features and designs of Apple Watch earlier in September. Highlighting features of Apple Watch being the completely synchronized with iPhone, interactive way of communicating and different type of notifications for different applications.
Apple Watch Features in Detail : Apple Watch to be Best Smart Watch Ever with all the impressive features
Apple Watch will also support Apple Pay allowing you to make payments from the watch itself. Apple Watch will be launched in three different variants – Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch Edition.
Apple Watch Price
Apple Watch price will start from $349 for the cheapest model. It will come in two different sizes, larger is likely to be more expensive. Moreover, Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch Edition will be more costly. There will be a lot of variations in the price of Apple Watch keeping in mind the different variants.
April is set for now to be the month for Apple Watch release, we will be posting more as soon as we hear about the release date.
The post First ever Apple Watch to be released in April appeared first on TechUntold.